Tuesday, January 27, 2015

first post of 2015?


definitely a super looooongggg hiatus since the last post.. hahahah nampak sangat mood nak blog tu dah takde..tp rajin benor gi melawat blog org lain hahahahaha.. just silent reader je la pun.. malas nak tinggal jejak... after all to this point pun xde org yg baca blog aku nie hahahaha...

as i was typing, the clock is like 11.49pm 27th Jan 2015.. mak oii kejap je dah bulan february.. hahahaa cepat tul masa berlalu.. memang dah lambat kalau nak ucap happy new year pun hahaha...

so dah new year semua org tanye la azam ape... ramai la berazam nak kawen la ape laa...
aku? aku ada keazaman but not specifically have to get them done this year.. i just hope to be better in life, in every terms. ya know what i'm saying kan?

love life? abaikan cite tahun lepas.. i have broken up with EE ( our relationship lasts only about 3 months) and he has been missing due to (i don't know) reasons... was devastated at that time.. but life must go on... he should be sorry losing a great girl like me.. but who cares? the point is i don't want to talk or type about it anymore.

now, i consider myself single. i have a crush on somebody by the way :P hee hee..

should i talk about him here? naaaahhhh, i don't think so...

talking about him, i literally shoving myself to him.. i confessed to him that i like him so many times already :P (takmalu punya pompuann!!!) but hey! sukahati i lah! i don't know what he feels about me, but we're still in good terms.. i don't really expect us to be a couple, but i am so happy for what we have.. i don't know whether it should be called friend or what.. but it is so easy to talk to him about everything. i just love his mean comments and afterall he is being honest to me, eventough he is so so evil and mean!!!!  kinda miss him right now.. hahhaaa

so this is it.. the first post of 2015.. pray that i'll be writing more soon :P

da da